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Join TAPA’s Intelligence Service (TIS) and Enhance Your Supply Chain Resilience



We are excited to extend an invitation to join and pre-register your interest in our upcoming launch of TAPA’s Intelligence Service (TIS) in APAC – an essential platform that provides cargo crime intelligence to support your supply chain resilience programs.

As a TAPA APAC member, you are already aware of the invaluable benefits our organization offers, and we believe that TIS will further enhance your ability to safeguard your assets against criminal attacks. TIS stands for TAPA’s Intelligence Service, and it serves as a centralized hub where you can receive regular and timely intelligence alerts. These alerts encompass a wide range of valuable information, including:

1. Intelligence on major cargo thefts
2. Reports of active criminals in specific locations
3. Updates and advice from law enforcement agencies
4. New modus operandi used by offenders

By participating in TIS, you gain a significant advantage in keeping yourself informed about cargo theft hotspots and evolving operating environments. This knowledge is vital for optimizing your individual risk management programs and ensuring the safety and security of your supply chain.

To pre-register your interest in TIS for APAC, please click:

We understand that confidentiality is of utmost importance to our members. Rest assured, sharing intelligence with TIS is both quick and easy, and you can choose to remain anonymous throughout the process. At no point will you be asked to provide company or personal information. The sole purpose of this service is to assist companies in protecting their supply chain operations from criminal attacks.

We want to emphasize that every piece of cargo crime intelligence holds value, regardless of whether you can provide all the requested information in the report form. Even reports of unsuccessful attempted cargo thefts are crucial, as they contribute to preventing future incidents. Historical cargo crime intelligence from the last two years is particularly valuable and will further strengthen our collective efforts against criminal activities.

Reporting Cargo Crime
If you come across any media reports related to cargo crime, simply share the link provided below, submit the form and we will take it from there. Please remember that all reported incidents are thoroughly verified by TAPA before being added to the TIS database, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the information shared.

To report any cargo related crime incident within the last 2 years, please click:

Become an Active TIS Working Group Member
As part of our mission to enhance TIS’ data capture and minimize cargo crime, TAPA APAC is setting up a TIS Working Group in September 2023 for member volunteers to contribute to TIS with the following key objectives.

1. Actively report cargo incidents to TIS
2. Collaborate with Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), customs, ports, regional and local government authorities to exchange cargo crime intelligence for TIS
3. Promote the usage and effectiveness of TIS in the industry, and contribute to TAPA APAC TIS activities and events

To become an active participant in our shared mission to combat cargo crime, please click:

We encourage all TAPA members to take advantage of this opportunity to fortify your supply chain resilience and collaborate with other industry leaders. Together, we can create a safer environment for all stakeholders involved.

Thank you for your continuous support and participation in TAPA. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Mr. Alvin Lau
Executive Director – Greater China