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Personalized Upskilling on Demand! Only 45% of APAC Companies are Upskilling Employees Lack of Skilled Workforce

                                  Personalized Upskilling on Demand!                                          Only 45% of APAC Companies are Upskilling Employees               Lack of Skilled Workforce

Upskill Training Needed for Supply Chain Professionals


The supply chain ecosystem today is facing a challenging situation where there is a shortage of skilled workforce. A Randstad report estimated that 85 million jobs globally will be left unfilled by 2030 due to shortage of skills. To make matters worse, employees are often required to cover multiple roles. In such a scenario, it is crucial for companies to invest in training their workforce to acquire new skills.

However, a PWC Survey has reported that only 45% of companies in Asia Pacific are doing so, which is a cause for concern. It is imperative for companies to recognize the importance of upskilling their workforce to keep up with the evolving demands of the industry and ensure sustainability in the long run. Leaders need to re-evaluate their current workforce development structure and ensure that their employees receive support from the organization in developing their professional skills, especially in supply chain.

Mr. Tony Lugg, TAPA APAC Chairman said, “The supply chain personnel will need to possess a comprehensive range of abilities so that they can cover multiple roles.  By investing in upskilling and reskilling, organizations can ensure that their people are engaged and future-proofed in the face of ever-evolving business. TAPA is committed to providing the supply chain industry with knowledge and resources needed to achieve global standards and TAPA certification. Through our training initiatives, we equip companies with the processes and methods necessary for resilient, secured and sustainable supply chain operations.”

Benefits of Upskilling:

  • Return on Investment as Workforce Capabilities Increase: The investment in upskilling will be worthwhile for the loyalty and brand recognition it generates, even if trained employees eventually leave. Moreover, upskilling efforts in Asia Pacific should be adapted to particular roles.
  • Retaining Talented Professionals for Long-term Stability: Offer competitive compensation and benefits packages, opportunities for career growth and development, and fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration.

For leaders to effectively address skills shortages, not only should they think about the needs of their employees and the company in the long-term, but also take into account the changing supply chain landscape, business direction and workforce environment. Below are the key aspects of upskilling and learning to consider:

1. Continuous Learning

Companies should invest in ongoing training in order to make their workforce more competent and demonstrate their commitment to their staff. TAPA, for instance, provides training such as its Facility Security Requirements (FSR) Standard, where members gain certification and understand the processes and methods for attaining and maintaining TAPA certification for their facilities and transit operations.

2. Making Training Personal

Personalized training and certification programmes provide employees with a unique competitive edge, enabling them to stand out from their peers. When employees receive their own certification and skill set, they become more confident and motivated to perform their duties to the best of their abilities. Training should include hybrid learning options to help staff adapt to different working environments. TAPA APAC certifies all trained Authorized Auditors (AAs) with blockchain powered credentials that allow individuals to share their achievement on social media and stay with them as they progress in their career.

3. Simplifying & Digitizing Processes

Create a modern, digital working environment that simplifies and streamlines routine tasks, while still empowering employees with the freedom to make key decisions based on their experience and expertise. Let technology take care of the mundane, freeing up valuable time for your team to focus on what really matters. Deploy a digital center of excellence to drive rapid value creation and focus investments on the most impactful opportunities across functions. Leverage the latest technologies and best practices to maximize ROI and gain insights into the customer experience.

Leading the industry at the forefront, TAPA APAC’s training and membership programmes help supply chain professionals to achieve their goals and propel organizations to succeed. We constantly support the industry with online and offline TAPA Standards training to upskill their workforce continuously and to also help in their organization’s supply chain resilience and sustainability.


TAPA APAC’s New & Upcoming Training Initiatives:

  • New 2023 Standards: To provide members with frameworks and guidelines for better resilience against current threat environments, new TAPA Standards include Facility Security Requirements (FSR), Trucking Security Requirements (TSR), Guarding Security Requirements (GSR), and Risk Assessment Standards (RAS).
  • Learning Management System (LMS): As part of digitalization efforts, TAPA APAC will introduce the LMS to supports members in their training experience with technology, target to launch in Q4 2023. Members can learn at their own pace on the platform through modules with access to through previous modules for recap. They are also able to search for content easily within the platform.
  • New Advanced Standards & Training Courses: To help members implement TAPA Standards in their daily work and organizations’ supply chain procedures, TAPA APAC will introduce new advanced Standards such as Cyber Security Standards (CSS) enhanced version, Brand Protection Standards, Scrap Management Standards. TAPA APAC will also launch courses to help manufacturers incorporate TAPA Standards into their contractual agreements with their vendor partners. Additionally, a financial course on the ROI of the TAPA APAC programmes and its certifications is also in the pipeline.
  • Integrated Security Management Systems (IMS): In order to support member companies to save on their audit and administrative processes, TAPA APAC will launch an IMS to integrate and align the various TAPA Standards with their existing security systems.

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