Celebrating Excellence in Supply Chain Organizations

Welcome to SCRS Awards 2023

The Supply Chain Resilience & Sustainability Awards identify and recognize the achievers in global supply chain organizations. By granting a global recognition for their excellence, SCRS Awards aim to promote the highest level of supply chain resilience and sustainability, supporting the growth of the entire global supply chain ecosystem. Businesses wishing to enhance their supply chain resilience and sustainability should consider SCRS Award Winners that have excelled specifically in these aspects.

Awards Category


Organizational Awards

Category Award Name
Supply Chain
Supply Chain Excellence (MNCs)
Supply Chain Excellence (SMEs)
Express Integrator Most Resilient Air Express Integrator Network in Asia Pacific
New & Upcoming Resilient eCommerce Organization in Asia Pacific
Most Resilient eCommerce Organization in Asia Pacific
Ground Transportation
Most Resilient Ground Transportation in Emerging Market
Most Resilient Ground Transportation in Asia Pacific
Innovation Most Innovative Supply Chain Resilience Programme
Talent Investment Talent Investment Excellence
Audit Independent Audit Body Excellence

Professional Awards

CategoryAward Name
Supply Chain
Supply Chain Star
Supply Chain Rising Star
Supply Chain Resilience Contribution in the Express Industry

Nomination & Eligibility

Applicants must fulfill the following criteria to be eligible for the following awards:

  • Company must be registered as a TAPA APAC Member and has an active, ongoing membership.
  • Company must have a valid TAPA APAC certification.
  • Individuals must have relevant experience as a TAPA APAC Member.

Note: Award category and assessment criteria are at the sole discretion of TAPA APAC. Companies or individuals that do not meet the above criteria will be assessed on a case-to-case basis.

SCRS Awards Jury

Be a SCRS Awards Partner

SCRS Awards sponsorship offers excellent networking and branding opportunities for companies. Invite and engage with clients and corporate stakeholders to build relationships and highlight your company’s continued commitment to driving supply chain excellence.

We look forward to working with you and creating branding opportunities based on your needs and the desired level of engagement.